Friday, November 19, 2010

The (Short) Answers

Maybe you aren't too worried about the questions of life. Life is good, you are good, you are in a good place. If that's the case, stop reading now. You will either already have thought of the following, or it will conflict with what you are satisfied with. Either way, it's a waste of time.

What does it all mean?

If your answer to this question is some variation of "Duh," that means you didn't listen to me; you should really leave now. If things don't make sense the way you think they should, then read on. Meaning is what you make it and there is no meaning but what you make. In a world of sorrow and pain, the slightest act of kindness and generosity is the equivalent of salvation. In a world darkened by debasement and fear, love itself is a blinding light that warms all whom it touches.

How should I live my life? 

Follow your ideals and share of yourself. Simply by believing in yourself, you can inspire another to do the same. Believing in others will enrich your own life. The way we can transcend our humanity is to recognize our connectedness and compassionately champion one another.

How can I live with this abysmal existence?

You may feel that nothing matters. What matters least is that nothing matters. Be yourself and recognize your own existence. Try to feel the nothing and you will find something there. That is God, as near as I can tell. Take a look at my poem In The Light. In the same way, you can express your own soul. By expressing, you let it outside of yourself and thereby escape its confinement. You can give it a shape and thereby own i. By calling it your own you can thereby control it. This is how you cope with the terrible gift.

Why does life suck? 

Treat life like a child. It has its own way and we can not hate it for going against our wishes. Love life and love what it does to you. Isn't that sweet, mommy doesn't love me. I can't walk, how precious!

Remember the story of the monk and the scorpion: A monk came to the edge of a river and met a scorpion. "Take me across the river, I can not swim," asked the scorpion. "If I do, you will sting me and I will die," said the monk. "I will not hurt you," said the scorpion, so the monk picked him up and went into the water. When they were no more than half way across the river, the scorpion stung the monk. As he sank into the water, the monk asked, "why did you sting me? You will now surely drown." The scorpion replied, "it is my nature. Why did you carry me when you knew I would sting you?" The monk replied, "because that is my nature."

All things have their place. 

Nietzche can be paraphrased as saying life sucks in order that you know it is there. Occupy your place. Within your boundaries the possibilities are limitless. In the realm of possibility, you have no boundaries. I have looked the nothing in the face, as you may have to before you are through. Try imagining nothingness. Let it suffuse you. As all things slip away, you may become afraid of losing yourself, but then the fear itself will slip into nothingness. You will become nothingness. You will find a light in the center that you did not expect. It is a warm light. In the midst of the nothingness, focus on the light. Feel it grow and become warmer. Feel it fill you.

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